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May 02, 2006



Well put! I like the familial parallels. It works with other Coen films as well. I think, too, that it forces Marge to realize that the veneer of sincerity which is on hyper-display with the “oh, yaahs” and the “you’re darntootin’”-type of expressions is usually a cover for lying or malicious intent. A man can appear sincere, worried, frail, etc, but he also can lie to get what he wants. That’s why she turns around and directly confronts Jerry.


To the many far more insightful observations from the author and commenters I'll add that Mike Yamagita reinforces a broad theme of the movie that people are messed up and do messed up things.


Right after Marge learns the truth about Mike, there's a scene where she reflects on ~something~ whereupon the next scene is her confronting Lundegaard in his office and forcing him out of his tangled web.

She clearly decided to not waste time on liars.


the only way they could meet was that marge called him. is there a scene cut....did they have a mercy affair? is that why she is so taken aback when her girlfriend tells her the truth?

Gaear Grimsrud

I kinda like this answer:


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