On November 22, 1963, we were living in a small third-floor walkup on Irving Street in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It was in the afternoon. Some high schools students (Cambridge High and Latin was just around the corner) were walking by. One of them shouted to another, "Kennedy's been shot. In Dallas." I immediately thought "this is bad. That kid shouldn't know that Kennedy's in Dallas." So we turned on the radio. And began to grieve.
I don't think that this country's ever regained its balance. Jack, and then Bobbie and Martin Luther King -- the heroes of the left taken out, one by one, by assassins. Without the murders, we'd never have had Nixon and Reagan and Cheney and Bush and Rumsfeld.
If we ever can get the United States on track again, then, only then, can we cease to grieve.
Amen, brother.
Posted by: David Schacker | November 26, 2006 at 02:24 PM