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December 28, 2007



A very wise and funny post, Doctor. It reminds me of a story I heard on a podcast while flying East this Christmas. The story comes from a talk by Ram Dass, the Harvard psychologist turned Hindu seeker. RD had a friend named Milton Friedman, who was a speechwriter in Washington, but not THE Milton Friedman, Nobel Prize winning proponent of laissez-faire capitalism and trickle-down economics. One day the friend got a call from a man who said he represented a large church that had found itself with a great deal of surplus funds, and he was calling to ask him where they should best invest their money. The friend, unsure what was happening, said, "Well, have you considered giving it to the poor?" After a long pause, the voice on the other end asked, "Is this the real Milton Friedman?"... to which the friend replied "is this the real church?"

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