I was a night game, and I was playing left field, The batter hit a long fly my way. I saw it clearly as it came off the bat, studied the trajectory, and knew that it was nothing more than a loud foul -- only to hear the ball plop down not more than ten feet behind me. The huge crowd of spectators broke into wild laughter. Runners were circling the base paths. I turned to run after the ball, but my feet were lead weights, perhaps because I was wearing hiking boots instead of spikes. Eventually, I retrieved the ball and tried to hit the cut-off man, but the ball skittered out of my hand and carried only a few feet. The crowd laughed again, uproariously.
It was horrible. I woke up with a nosebleed.
I didn't know you identified so closely with Manny Ramirez.
Posted by: Otis Jefferson Brown | January 23, 2009 at 02:30 AM