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March 24, 2009


Vivian de St. Vrain

That Shakespeare wrote for the stage does not render the false starts and loose ends in his plays are any less fascinating. Beware of such knownothingist views, gentle blogreaders, especially when they come from self-promoting writers of vanity press books. The plays wouldn't have been published at all, especially in such elaborate formats as the 1623 Folio, if readership hadn't been cultivated (as recent scholarship has affirmed).

John F.X. Doherty

Shakespeare's plays are full of such side issues as Launcelot's Moor. To seek to explain them can be the work of an idle moment only. In many cases they are probably
topical references which have no meaning now. It is likely Shakespeare simply threw them in to lend the scene a feeling of life going on outside the play. Many of them only show up when the play is read. In the theatre they may pass without notice, and Shakespeare wrote for the theatre not for the book shelf, as I point out in my book, The Ignorance Of Shakespeare.

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