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July 08, 2011


Don Z. Block

Now is it "Mairzy Doats" or "Mares Eat Oats"?

Jim Hermanson

Lovely post!

It is so true, and so interesting, how the songs that our mothers (and fathers?) sang take us back to an older world, since their sensibilities were formed at a young age.

This is all tied in, also, with the history of recorded music. How much that our parents or grandparents remember comes down from a world of sheet music and parlor pianos and performers instead of one with wax cylinder and later Victrola recordings?

I definitely remember my mother singing most of the songs you mention, but add that a variety of novelty songs from the WWII era: "Three Little Fishies," and "Mairzy Doats" and "The Hut Sut Song."

So, my mom, born in 1918, had taken in a number of songs from HER mom, but also sang the ones more of her generation.

It is so interesting how each person is a living palimpsest of historical detritus!


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