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February 11, 2012


Don Z. Block

You probably need to do more research about this guy. Mysteries are fun as long as they are solved. If you can't discover what he did that made your father violently homocidal, make it up. Did he always dress up? What else is known about Sarah Clyne? Can there be a rational explanation that would explain why the phone book opened up to her name? Is it possible that members of your family frequently called Sarah to find out what Max was up to? Did she have kids who have more info about Max? Why choose "Robert" as a middle name? Was he a big basketball fan? Do you recall how many teams played in the NCAA back in the 50s, and which two you saw play? Did Max make any interesting comments about the game? On that second visit, why was Max talking to your mother? Why was he there at all? There is a biography or a novel here.

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