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March 27, 2014


O.J. Brown

Danny Napoleon.

O.J. Brown

Phil Coke.

O.J. Brown

Jimmy Ripple

O.J. Brown

Mark Lemongello.

O.J. Brown

Johnny Hopp, Phil Coke, Rob Deer.

O.J. Brown

George Crowe. (That's what Thomas Friedman should have eaten after Iraq.)

O.J. Brown

Bob Moose.

O.J. Brown

Ralph Garr. ("Gar is edible, and I know a few people that do eat them. I usually fillet them. The thing about the tastes is that you HAVE to know how to cook them...just like anything else. ..When I first tried gar, I thought it tasted like a fishy steak, but I (nor my friends) knew how to cook it. So try with a recipe and find out what you really think of it.")

O.J. Brown

Don Gullett ("sweetbreads").

O.J. Brown

Sammy Drake, Johnny Peacock. ("Peacock is an edible game species. They are not domesticated and the fact that they are edible shocks many people mostly because of their remarkable beauty. Peacock meat is rich and some say it tastes like a cross between duck and chicken.")

O.J. Brown

Carl Mays has a very specific role in my all-edibles bullpen. Whenever I want an opposing batter killed, I bring him in.

O.J. Brown

Willie Mays!

O.J. Brown

Not eligible: Peanuts Lowrey, Chili Davis, Turkey Stearns.

O.J. Brown

Tony Curry, Lou Tost.

O.J. Brown

David Cone.

O.J. Brown

Herman Franks gives the all-edibles some catching depth.

O.J. Brown

Sorry I couldn't contribute more. I've been busy working on my all-edible MLB team. Maybe you can help. The roster so far: Darryl Strawberry, Ken Berry, Bob Sturgeon, Preacher Roe, Mike/Dizzy Trout, Bob Veale, Bob/Jim Lemon, Chico Salmon, Johnny Oates, Del/Hal/Jim Rice, Zack Wheat, Coco Crisp, Ty Cobb, Johnny Grubb, Herb Hash, Bobby Wine, Larry/Norm Sherry, Billy Beane, Felix Pie, Wally Berger, Art Herring, Thornton Kipper, Harvey Haddix, Eddie Mayo. Eddie Joost just missed making the cut. Cookie Lavagetto and Spud Chandler are ineligible.

O.J. Brown

Earl Lloyd. The Rochester Royals? Non-NBA entries: Dolly King (from L.I.U., later an NBA ref, I think), Baron Adolph Rupp, master dribbler Marques Haynes.

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