If you listen to the announcers of the NBA games, basketball players defy the laws and logic of physics. They "create space."
One of the greatest space-creators was Shaquille O. Others merely imitate his technique. His most characteristic play was to drive his massive left shoulder into the chest of the defender, knocking him backwards a couple of feet. When he had gained a sufficient advantage and had room to maneuver, he would flip the ball (awkwardly) toward the basket. HIs defender would as likely as not be charged with a foul while the pre-Newtonian announcers would celebrate him for 'creating space.' And a beautiful game would be transformed into a brutal game.
And why is LeBron James allowed to create space on his every drive to the basket? He's gifted enough that he doesn't need the advantage; but nevertheless, he routinely pushes off with his off hand, often lodging his off-elbow in the chest of the hapless defender.
I often watch LeBron create space on hdtv where I've precorded the game. I can therefore watch the same play again and again. In doing so I stop time, or run time backwards. He creates space, I stop time.
So two can play at defying Einstein.