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November 15, 2014


Don Block

My responses to some names: I assume Buddy was related to Bobby Sogluizzo. We had trouble pronouncing the last name, so we went with SA--LOO--GEE. SALOOGEE was also a word used to refer to a game of catch where a ball or any other article of value was tossed back and forth but always kept away from the guy who owned it. If my memory is accurate here (and it probably isn't), then I am recalling a person, Bobby, who was a really nice kid with manners, too. He knew how to behave and was always polite.

Abie Luongo I never knew, but there was a cute kid named Louise Luongo, who was in several of my classes. She had dark hair and, of course, a great name. What magnificent alliteration.

Buddy Sogluizzo

Curious as to where the "clincher" reunion took place?Large or small (n/a) field at 217? Now more likely a venue for cricket! Do you remember The Aces our 6th and 7th grade team w. the ugliest team t-shirts (maroon and dishwater grey) purchased at Friedman's? Players Included Bernie Sandigorsky, Albie Luongo, the Donalds Caress and Scheibel,Bobby Jacklin, Mike Silver, Johnny Piccarello, Richie (or was it Peter)Steinberg -our pitcher and strong boy (Gary's Brother). I personally played many years in the Sunday Fast Pitch Doubleheader Leagues all over Brooklyn from Bay Ridge to Luna Park later on in life w. the E.17 Street neighborhood team. Incidentally there is a racehorse (Two Seventeen) that runs occasionally at Aqueduct and Belmont.Lewis Schaffel the owner is a 217 and Erasmus grad and had a Brooklyn themed stable-Furillo, Sal The Barber, And Bedford Arch!He and Billy Cunningham (the Kangaroo Kid) sold their shares in the Miami Heat many years ago and Lewis invested in the thoroughbred game. Another Flinks grad makes good! Also whenever March Madness shows up I flash back to when you were mentoring me in hoops in the 3rd floor gym-you were damn good!!

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