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February 21, 2016


Don Z. Block

More on Eliot's anti-semitism: Anthony Julius, who is one of the lawyers who defended Deborah Lipstadt in the nazi-loving, Holocaust-denying David Irving case, wrote a book entitled "T. S. Eliot and Anti-Semitism and Literary Form." Julius writes: "Eliot's anti-Semitic poems demand literary analysis...informed by outrage. Indifference to the offense given by these poems...is a failure of interpretation. They insult Jews. To ignore these insults is to misread the poems."

Don Z. Block

I can't get Eliot's racy poem out of my mind. When he wrote it, did he forget that one of his quartets deals with the death of meaningful love? Had he not discovered tall women by then? Did he not tell his editor, whose name was Ezra, I believe, that he liked tall women and that long legs made love meaningful?

Another beef I have with Eliot is that when he is not obscure, he does not seem to be worth reading or listening to. His plays, for example, seem to be heavily didactic, and the playwright drives home his message clumsily by having one god-like character in each of his plays be the one everyone looks up to and accepts truths from. Usually, this character will have a title and an impressive name like Mountstuart Jenkinson. Eliot the playwright doesn't dramatize; he preaches.

And of course there is always the undercurrent of anti-semitism. No Eliot hero will ever have a name like Sammy Goldstein. Every Burbank will have a Baedeker, and every Bleistein a cigar.

Don Z. Block

No, it's not possible. Eliot writing about his tongue touching someone else's? Eliot loving anything other than a cat? Even the position he describes will probably not work.

Eliot's anti-Semitism ("Rachel nee Rabinowitz" and "the Jew" squatting on the window sill")is unfortunately not obscure at all. He is a poet I would have loved to pound, no pun intended.

He once wrote that only poets could understand his poetry and that he was writing to be understood only by poets. If so, why did he bother to publish? Didn't he realize that some of his stuff might get into the hands of non-poets?

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