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April 18, 2017


Don Z. Block

I thought it was "Buy Cash Clothes!" I never understood what the guy was wailing, but I knew he wanted clothing.

The horse-drawn vegetable wagon was driven by a gimpy guy named Max, right? He would usually park on the corner of H and 9th.

Vivian Hussein de St. Vrain

Hi Stewie: thanks for commenting. Yes, you're absolutely right that the old clothes man's refrain was "I cash clothes." I had forgotten; thanks for reminding me. My tour of duty with the cub scouts was very brief -- not more than a couple of weeks before I dropped out, as far as I can remember, but thanks to you I now recall the name Malcolm Karkenny. And also: it wasn't us that had the TV with one of those magnifying glasses in front of it. We were tv-less until the 1952 World Series, when my father finally succumbed to extreme social pressure from me and my brothers. Or perhaps he wanted to see the games himself.

Stuart Blickstein

Although, as you well know, I'm not your grandchild, I really enjoyed this post.
The clothing man sang out "I cash clothes". I cannot tell you how many years of hearing that cry were required for me to decipher it. I also remember playing punch ball or stickball on your block as a Cub Scout. When we first started, and I heard someone yell "car", I thought that they were calling our patrol leader, Malcolm Karkenny. So, whenever I wanted him to throw the ball to me, or attract his attention for some other reason, I yelled "car". Lord only knows how many times I sent the den scurrying for no reason. What a doofus (sp.?) I was.

I also remember your TV. It had some sort of projection device so it was really big for the day.

Bear cub, Wolf den


Did you have a refrigerator or an ice box? How big was your school? I know what a letter is! (And I know what a envelope is and a mailbox is.) -taps

Dear TAPS: We had a refrigerator. My grandparents had an icebox. My school was a five-round, meaning there were five first grade classes, five second, etc. About 35 children in each class, grades kindergarten to 8.

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