The person with whom I share a bed reported that last night, following some incomprehensible mutterings, I sleep talked, clear as a bell, the sentence fragment "four ones, which I interpret as eleven hundred and eleven."
I have absolutely no remembrance of saying these words, nor of any dream that might provide them with a context.
Some observations:
a) I'm mighty proud of myself for having a dream that was so literate. I mean, "interpret." Not your run-of-the-mill sleep vocabulary.
b) What could "four ones" refer to? Four aces? Some sort of runic inscription? Score keeping?
c) What about eleven hundred and eleven? A late antiquity or early medieval date? A quantity, but of what?
d) Why did some part of my brain feel obliged to "interpret" the phrase "four ones?" Did my right brain think that my left brain was communicating in code?
Altogether inexplicable. But fascinating. The brain seems to have a mind of its own.