Italian has the ability to swallow English words whole, not even bothering to Italianize them. Here are a few examples drawn from a 2016 novel by Stefano Benni.
"Freezer," as in diventa rigido come un peluche lasciato nel freezer." ("It became stiff like a stuffed animal left in the freezer.") "I cornflakes," incorporated as a plural noun. "Ha occhiali rossi da rockstar." ("He had the red eyeglasses of a rockstar.") "Un overdose." "La soap opera," entering Italian as a feminine singular noun, no doubt because of the "a" ending of "opera." "Un popcorn." "Compriamo un gadget" ("We are buying a gadget.") "Sembra un clown in pensione." ("He seemed like a retired clown"). Gli zoom fotografici." "La mia partner." "Il controllare piu sexy del mondo." ("The world's sexiest conductor.") "Ha iniziato con multi okay". ("He started with many okays.) "Jukebox d'epoca." "Old-fashioned (classic) jukebox." "La famiglia era in relax." ("The family was relaxed)."