Hey there, internet pilgrims, searchers, wanderers who might be googling their own name or a relative's. All of the following people are cousins of each other, cousins of mine. If you find yourself here, identify yourself on the comments page, and I'll tell you how I think you are related. Hint: you're all descended from Lebe Hessel (d.1910) and Tsina Voloshen (b.1854).
Talia Soglin, Oliver Soglin, Ella Pearlman-Chang, Lola Pearlman-Chang, Luke Pearlman, Caleb Pearlman, Asher Pearlman, Hannah Kaplan, Josiah Kaplan, Leslie Pearlman, Matthew Pearlman, Nancy Groce, Nora Groce, Susan Groce, Paul Pearlman, Ruth Pearlman, Owen Pearlman, Clara Pearlman, Karen Hessel, Dana Hessel, Alexander McCarthy-Hessel, Jane McCarthy Hessel, Deborah Hessel, Haley Roher, Jenny Roher, Michael Hessel, Victoria Hessel, Mark Hessel, Andrea Hessel, Laurie Pearlstein, Jason Schoolsky, Rebecca Schoolsky, Allyson Schoolsky, Barry Pearlstein, Mitchell Pearlstein, Hunter Pearlstein, Remi Pearlstein, Holly Cooper, Alec Cooper, Elizabeth Cohen, Mateo Davis, Connor Davis, Christopher Cohen, Jonathan Cohen, David Cohen, David Markson, Aubrey Peluso, Samuel Markson, Zachary Markson, Nicholas Markson, Madeleine Markson, Wendy Markson, Charlotte Riley, Joelle Riley, Zoe Riley, Samuel Riley, Steven Gross, Ellen Gross, Edward Cohen, Terry Cohen, Joseph Cohen, Charles Cohen, Mahala Cohen, Judith Cimochowski, Alexander Cimochowski, Erica Cimochowski, Alexander Cimochowski, Lawrence Baizer, Judith Baizer, Sarah Baizer, Tessa Baizer, Barbara Pearlman, Rachel Wells, Andrew Wells, Steven Pearlman, Samuel Pearlman, Maya Terry, Nathaniel Pearlman, Benjamin Hessel Pearlman, Eve Pearlman, Nicholas Cohen, Mollie Liliana Sand, Adaline Sand, Jay Sand, Marc Sand, Daniel Cohen, Jonathan Cohen, Solomon Cohen, Emmanuelle Cohen, Abigail Cohen, Ella Cohen, Phoebe Cohen, Hannah Cohen, Ayanna Gould, Aiden Gould, Cole Pearlman, Reese Pearlman.
There will be many errors and many omissions here. Tell me.
What about posting a family tree?
a cousin
Posted by: edp | November 24, 2018 at 09:39 PM