No question but that he's a serial liar: just think of the birther thing, the attendance at the inaugural, Sharpiegate, "the best economy in the history of the world," that Hilary Clinton received 3 to 5 million illegal votes, "total exoneration," the 16,000+ lies and misstatements since 2016 that the Washington Post has catalogued. Enough falsehoods to circle the earth several times, or more likely, stretch from here to Alpha Centauri.
Nevertheless, all these falsehoods pale in comparison to the latest revelation.
He repeatedly boasted that he was such a baseball star at the New York Military Academy that he could have gone to the majors. Someone finally investigated. Box scores from the 1950s show that he batted .138, with 3 rbi's and scored one run. Said one baseball guy, “You don’t hit .138 for some podunk, cold-weather high school playing the worst competition you could possibly imagine" and go pro. “It’s absolutely laughable. He hit .138—he couldn’t fucking hit."
OK, he lies about everything. But about baseball? Some things should be sacred. Off limits.
The University of Pennsylvania does not know what to do about the fact that the liar went to Wharton. The official mag of the school, The Penn Gazette, does not know what to do with him. His name appears only in letters to the editor, some of them supporting him, the support usually consisting of the same types of ad hominem arguments that their hero relies on. We have been witnessing a triumph of barbarism and monumental stupidity. At least 40% of the teachers in my school voted for him, a low number, to be sure, but one that I find very disturbing. (I base that figure on the response to an email I circulated that included an article by Frank Figliuzzi, written two days before the El paso massacre, predicting that just such an event would occur.)
Posted by: Don Z. Block | August 25, 2020 at 08:48 AM