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August 21, 2020


Sharon Mathison

I also have this muched loved stuffed animal. Like your children, I always thought he was a dog. His name is Bowsie and after 57 years he still sits on my bed.

Do you know what the original name of this stuffed animal was? I never had any luck researching.

Thank you for sharing.


i love puppy

Don Z. Block

Two of my six dogs turn their hound noses up at bones and focus their teeth on the many stuffed animals in the family room. The floor is always covered by what looks like snow. Even before a stupid and vicious liar commandeered the oval office, we have lived in a dog-eat-stuffed-animals world. In the event of a natural disaster--floods and big winds have been taking huge chunks out of my neighborhood--both dogs and stuffed animals would have to be rescued, probably by boat. What would be left when we reach a shore?

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