Dear Diary: why is everybody always picking on me? It's been a really bad month, even before someone deliberately gave me the virus. Sometimes I want to cry, it's been so tough, but Daddy Fred would hate me for that. The press, the TV people, some of those losers at Fox (not Hannity). Even my own niece, Mary, who claims that I cheated her out of millions of dollars. What an ugly bitch she is! And then someone leaked that I called American soldiers losers and suckers for dying -- I never said that, and if I did, it was private. They claimed that I wouldn't visit that frog cemetery because it would mess up my hair -- well, I paid $70,000 for my hair and they want me to go to some foreign cemetery for some war that nobody's ever heard of -- in the rain. Fuck, not me. That's for dummies. Then I went to Tulsa for a celebration of me me me and nobody showed up. Parscale was responsible for that mess; I got rid of him. Someone will try to get him to rat on me, but he won't. I've got him by the pecker because of all the money he's embezzled. And then some disloyal son of a bitch leaked that I said that the virus was good because I could get away without shaking hands with donors, Of course I don't want to touch them, they're disgusting losers, full of germs. But I got to take their money, I don't want to spend mine. I'm already into Putin for millions. My pussy advisors tell me I have to pretend to be friendly, when I'd rather relax at Mar-a-Lago and eat cheeseburgers and spend time with Hope. Then, a couple of days ago the nasty, failing New York Times has a big story about my income taxes. Fake. Fake. Fake. I pay plenty, of course a lot less than loser teachers and nurses who don't know how the system works. Then Woodward, who I thought would give me good press, says that they're all ganging up on me behind my back. Cowards and losers. Woodward says that wacko Mattis, the turncoat, said that I had the understanding of a fifth or sixth grader. How can that be -- my uncle taught at MIT? Plus I had great SAT scores. Dummy Kelly thinks I'm an idiot and unhinged. That blimp Omigault says that I'm a racist, a misogynist, and a bigot. Wacky nut job Gary Cohn says I'm as dumb as shit and corrupt McMaster called me a dope. Publicity-seeker Bannon says that I'm like an 11-year old child. Lightweight grandstander Tillerson called me a moron. What's with all the name-calling? Good thing Jeffrey Epstein pulled his own plug, if he really did, he had me worried for a while. Then all these dumb women! All out to get me! Katie Johnson and Summer Zervos and Jean Carroll and twenty others. They all wanted it bad and then they changed the rules and now they're out to cash in. Sad! Low IQ slut Stormy still trying to make me look bad. And Rudy lobbying me every day to pardon Manafort and Roger Stone and his other friends. Sometimes I just want to go to Russia and move in with Putin. God I love that guy. I wish Roy Cohn was still alive. So much smarter than disgraced idiot Michael.
Why is everybody always picking on me?
To be precise, Tillerson referred to DT as a "fucking idiot."
Posted by: Don Z. Block | October 11, 2020 at 09:08 AM