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October 28, 2020


Don Z. Block

Cash's decision had to be the worst one any primate ever made since the first thing that resembled one emerged from the primordial slime. It had been a pleasure watching the NL LA team lose every year since 1988, and it had been wonderful watching Kershaw, the poor man's Koufax, choke during each postseason. But now both pleasures are gone. I could not have imagined that when I was kid in the 50s rooting for the Brooklyn Dodgers, I would end up hating a team that called itself "the Dodgers," and that I would root for any team that played against them, even the hated Yankees.

Analytics has not been dissecting the game of baseball. It has been vivisecting it. Blake Snell's stuff was filthier than Trump's mind. It is extraordinary that a set of numbers meant more to manager Cash than the performance that Snell was putting on. If analytics had been around in 1955, Podres would have been removed in the seventh inning, and the Brooklyn Dodgers' franchise, as wonderful as it had been, would possibly have gone down in history as one that never won it all.

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