What an excellent invention! Imagine life without the blanket. At night, we'd still be keeping warm with hay and leaves. Yeesh, defective insulation. Hay and hayseeds in our noses and mouths. Leaves, leaflets, thick main ribs and petioles poking and imprinting our skin. Constant renewal problems: "Have remembered to fetch the hay for tonight yet?" Cleanliness problems -- small insects in the hay and leaves, however carefully processed. And then frequent trips to "Hay and Leaves" -- the chain of stores that dominates the market. "Do you know what they're asking this year for a half bale of leaves?"
When we pull that luxurious blanket over our shoulders, do we remember to thank the inventor or inventors of the cotton or woolen blanket? Are we sufficiently appreciative of the luxury in which we live?
Coming soon: National Pillow Day.
On National Pillow Day and before National Pillow Day and after National Pillow Day, let us boycott My Pillow.
Posted by: Don Z. Block | February 07, 2021 at 04:01 PM
...animal skins?
Posted by: Mary K. Wakeman | February 07, 2021 at 01:22 PM