Pictured is a variety of daylily called the Charles Johnston. Looks good, doesn't it? First introduced by Gates in 1981, it won an award of merit 1988 from the American daylily society. I ordered a couple from a nursery in Tennessee because they are VE (very early), tetraploid, fragrant, and reputed to be accomplished re-bloomers (although daylillies that rebloom in the upper south don't always do so in Vermont). It's the VE part that interests me because I don't have any early reds. "Rich burgundy blooms." Sounds delicious. I think I'll put them in the vegetable garden temporarily, where the soil is, as LERM says, "like chocolate cake" and plant them out in the perfect place, yet to be determined. Somewhere where the large VE blooms can make a statement.
I wonder how my gardens survived my Covid 2020 absence. We'll find out in three weeks.