It's been six years since Dr. Metablog (aka Vivian de St. Vrain, aka The Modern Nostradamus) issued a set of predictions. His last collection, from 2016, earned a score of 100% correct, when every single one of his dazzling glimpses into futurity proved to be exactly accurate. An astonishing performance!! Which is why The Modern Nostradamus once again won the Lifetime Platinum Award from the International Prophecy Society. Now, after a brief but pregnant retirement, Dr M returns to the prophecy lists and offers the following. Read and be dazzled, fit audience though few. Here's what's going to happen!
1) there will be unusual weather patterns in North America;
2) there will be a forest fire in one or more western American states;
3) a famous Hollywood actress will sue for divorce; moreover, another (or possibly the same) star will become pregnant; another (or possibly the same) actress will gain or lose a great deal of weight;
4) a politician will be accused of dishonesty;
5) there will be either a monsoon, an airplane crash, or a capsized ferry in Asia;
6) there will be fluctuations in the stock market;
7) there will be turmoil in the Middle East;
8) a religious leader will be involved in either a financial or a sex scandal. Or perhaps both;
9) Mitch McConnell will continue to be a colossal asshole.
You read it here first. Loyal readers: check back at the end of the year. Let's see whether a senior but world-class professional augur still has enough on the oracle ball to foretell the future one more time.
You are going out on a limb, sir, but I admire your courage.
Posted by: Don Z. Block | February 12, 2022 at 10:03 AM