Texas Representative Trey Moody (R-Flower Mound) introduced a bill in the lower house that would require all public school teachers, administrators, and other personnel to bear weapons during the entire school day. Weapons must be "carried publicly, in a visible manner" such as in a hip holster.
Moody stated that "not only would firearms discourage shooters, they would also improve discipline and learning. An armed teacher is a respected teacher," he declared. According to the bill, teachers who refuse to carry sidearms would be immediately fired "for cause."
The Idaho legislature passed a bill that would reinstate the firing squad as a method of execution. The firing squad would consist of six to eight citizen volunteers. Anticipating great demand for the position, the law states that members of the squad be chosen by lottery from Idaho citizens who can demonstrate that they are proficient with 'long guns, or AK-47s" and are certified members of the National Rifle Association.
Tennessee senator Shelby Shatzline (R-Sequatchie) has sponsored a bill that would automatically expel professed atheists from the state legislature.
Atheists, he contended, "lack the moral bearings to serve the public. They simply cannot tell right from wrong, inasmuch as they are not guided by a loving and omniscient deity." The bill is expected to pass resoundingly in the Republican-supermajority Tennessee legislature, though its impact may be moot, inasmuch as there are no known atheists in either house. Senator Shatzline is also drafting a bill that would expel atheists from Tennessee.
South Carolina representative Britt Brownfields, has introduced a bill that would penalize unmarried people who live together. It would impose a penalty of "100% of state tax liability" upon such couples. Brownfields stated that living "in sin" weakens the moral fibre of the nation and flouts Biblical law.
According to the draft of the bill in addition to the tax penalty, violators would immediately be tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail. Perdue Chicken will volunteer the feathers and Koch Industries the tar. A donor or vendor of rails has not yet been selected.
These legislators are elected; people have voted for them. Are we witnessing a nation going mad?
Posted by: Don Z. Block | May 23, 2023 at 02:35 PM